Thursday, August 7, 2008

Surgery Scheduled

At my appointment yesterday, Dr. Scarth, the surgeon, confirmed that chemotherapy has reduced the size of the lump so that he can proceed with surgery, a modified radical mascetomy. It's usually scheduled about two months after chemo has ended, to make sure the body is recovering from being poisoned.

One surprise to me is that it will be day surgery, reducing the risk from hospital infections and hospital food. I guess they do it this way as long as you are otherwise in good health and have someone at home to provide some attention. The other surprise is that it is scheduled for next week, August 14, leaving hardly any worrying time between now and then.

I'll be seeing a physiotherapist and the surgeon says its important to get the shoulder moving right away, and not to favour it at all. I've also found a book at the library with a post-breast surgery exercise program that may be helpful.


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