Thursday, August 14, 2008

From the Waiting room.

Wow! What a long day it has been. Wendy is home now, sore, tired, and happy to be in her own bed.

We started the day with our visit to the Chaos that is Day Surgery. I'm sure the staff there have everything under control, but to the novice the place seems out of control. Amazingly, Wendy was processed, gowned and in a bed fairly quickly. She was wheeled offf to surgery by a pleasant porter who made us laugh. Wendy left me in the surgical waiting area at 11:45. The surgery was a "Modified Radical Mastectomy". Around 2:00 pm Dr. Scarth, Wendy's surgeon, came to me with a big grin on his face. He explained the surgery had gone well, "as expected" he said, and was pleased with Wendy's progress. Around 4:00 pm Wendy emerged from Recovery and was wheeled up to 3DSouth, for observation. She was awake but not quite 'with it".

We discovered that there were three conditions that would speed her release from the hospital.
1. No nausea.
2. Able to eat something and keep it down.
3. Able to pee.

The nurse said this as the meals were coming around and I mentioned that serving one of those meals would delay her recovery by hours, if not days. They did get her some dry toast and a glass of cranberry juice which went down fairly easily. But the'peeing on demand' requirement took some time. Then we got caught in the shift change and we didn't get out until nearly 9:30 pm. We stopped at the drugstore to get some meds and Wendy is safely in bed now

I never reckoned that a day doing nothing but waiting around, sitting on my backside could be so damned exhausting. There is, thankfully, a Tim Horton's in the Hospital, so a decent cup of coffee eased my unease. I'm sure I will update this tomorrow, but it's late now.

To recap: Wendy is home, sore but happy. The operation waa a success, according to the Surgeon. Another big step in the journey has been successfully taken.


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