Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Namaste Irwin Barker

Canadian stand-up comedian Erwin Barker died yesterday. Erwin was an early inspiration to me in my cancer journey, thanks to an interview with Shelagh Rogers on CBC Radio in 2008 and a subsequent documentary. (See Blog entry of Feb. 1, 2008)

Irwin had been diagnosed with cancer and was expected to survive for only a short time. He felt strongly that while he had cancer, “… cancer doesn’t have me.” He continued to work as a writer for the Rick Mercer Show and performed in several fundraisers for the Cancer Society. Fully aware of his condition and the likely outcome, he continued to do what he loved to the best of his ability.

He was on the positive side of any prediction and I thank him for his example.


Saturday, June 19, 2010


To the extent I get to plan these things, my retirement date is sset for August 1, 2012 which is also my 60th birthday.

A bunch of us baby boomers at the museum took one of those pre-retirement seminars last year and we've been talking about succession planning at work. Jane has agreed on the date; retirement event at the Lily Lake Pavilion, Rockwook Park, Saint John, NB, date to be determined.

In celebration, I had my summer pedicure at Inn on the Cove this week while enjoying the beautiful view of the Bay. This time it's bright pink to go with my pink "Gloria Vanderbilt sandals.

Thanks to Jack Hill, this blog's unofficial photographer.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cheese and Chocolate

My taste for chocolate and cheese went down over two years ago when chemo treatments first began. With this recent hiatus on chemo treatments my interest and taste for these two foods has returned, which is excellent as we have re-discovered that Costco has a great cheese selection.

Thanks to L. for the Callebault Chocolate from Alberta. (And Yes, I shared.)


Friday, June 4, 2010

A Break

I finished the tenth Radiation treatment yesterday (Thursday). It will take ten days to two weeks for the 'biological effects' (the technician's term) to stop. So we have a couple of weeks to relax. No appointments, no doctors or technicians. It almost feels strange not to have to get out of bed and rush off to an appointment. I'll have to be careful in the sun as the treatments sensitize the skin. But this is the summertime along the Bay of Fundy and sunny days are a premium. Later in June we'll be meeting the Dr. B, who will have consulted with the Radiation Oncology Specialist to determine where we go from here.

I'm continuing to work from home and making sure I'm getting afternoon naps.

We're looking forward to guests this weekend and once again feasting on seafood.


(Typed by Harvey)