Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hospitalization 4

Wendy was much improved today, but still cannot abide to swallow. Taking a couple of mouthfulls of ginger ale or grapefruit juice is considered something worthy of praise by her nurses. Until she can swallow with ease and take her required 2 litres of liquid daily, she will be on an IV line.

Wendy had two half containers of yoghurt today. A bit more than yesterday.

She was well enough to play cribbage tonight We traded wins and quit. Dams! I thought for sure I could beat her in her weakened state.

Wendy took some time last night to write out a "Mea Culpa" for her doctor, in which she admitted her part in letting the infection go so far. I think she was just worried that the doctor would not think well of Wendy for getting so sick without coming in for an assessment.

So, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it may be Monday or Tuesday before Wendy can come home. She has to be able to swallow, drink and eat before they'll let her go.

Joyce is stranded in Dorval because her flight was cancelled due to freezing rain here. We're hoping she'll get here tongith or tomorrow some time.


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