Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hospitalization 3

In the past 36 hours (has it only been that long?) Wendy has been hooked up to 2 IV pumps and as many as five bags of various solutions at once. She's had red cells, platelets, regular saline, calcium, magnesium, potassium, various powerful anti-biotics, and some pre-meds to assist in the acceptance of other medications. Very complicated. This evening they removed her second IV line and put a bandaid over it. So tonight, Wednesday, she's down to one pump, one IV line and two bags.

Thay also moved her into a private room. Dr. Brunelle was concerned that her roommate's visitors might bring some virulent bug into the room. and right now, nearly any bug can be virultent for Wendy. Her new room faces the west and we watched the sunset tonight.

They gave Wendy a suction wand, like the dentist uses to wixk away excess saliva, to suction the mucus the infection produces. It saves Wendy a great deal of pain not having to swallow. She can still barely speak above a whisper so we're doing a lot of note making.

I think she's on the mend. I came home with a couple of pages of "Things to Do Before Joyce Arrives" . She also made a joke about this being a very arcane way of getting out of the liine-up at the Oncology outpatient registration desk.

Thank you all for your good thoughts and well wishes.

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