Saturday, May 2, 2009

Singing Along

Last evening I participated in a Sing-Along Sound of Music screening at the Imperial Theatre. No one of my acquaintance shared my enthusiasm for this social outing, so I went on my own - costumed as The Lonely Goatherd. Fortunately no photos extant.

Costumes were varied and included;
several Marias, assorted cute Von Trapp children, a Captain, nuns, Baronnesses, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, roses (with raindrops), kittens (with whiskers) and a brown paper package tied up with string.

In addition to having various songs stuck in my head, it left me thinking about other costume experiences.
Least successful - wearing my 1980 dress for success gray suit (which still fit after 20+ years) complete with bowed blouse, sensible leather pumps and little pearl earrings - and no one recognizing it as a costume.
Least functional - a girlhood skating costume party which I elected to attend as a Christmas present, attired in a very large gift wrapped cardboard box. Fine until you fall on the ice and can't get up without assistance.

Costume recollections, anyone?


1 comment:

Judy said...

Hello Wendy and Harvey! Sorry that the work of healing is so onerous. I hope that the good cells are industriously working their magic, preparing to make you well.

Around here the hills are alive with the sound of frogs and squirrels. Spring is late.

Re costume stories: When I was in grad school at McGill studying Human Communication Disorders, I dressed up for Hallowe'en as a pedunculated polyp. My outfit featured a green garbage bag shaped like a huge teardrop (or polyp, for those more medically inclined) stuffed with paper at knee level, tapering to neck width under my chin. It was a great conversation starter, and gave me a wonderful opportunity to educate people about the hazards of vocal abuse.
Best Spring wishes!