Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Treatment Underway Again

Thanks to the self-administered injections, my white blood cells are approaching the normal range, so we were able to go ahead with the next round of chemotherapy starting today.

Despite my less than green thumb, every year at this time I get the urge to do some gardening. After visiting several garden centres over the weekend, my new additions have all been planted - some perennials, annuals and a few herbs. Still need to get some grass seed on the bare spots on our lawn, before even more dandelions move in.

Last spring when we moved my intention had been to bring some of the rhubarb from the Woodville Road backyard with us, but we got busy with all the other preparing to move stuff and the transplanting didn't happen. This year there's none to be had at the nurseries, but a friend has offered me some of hers - hopefully I can find a suitable spot for it in our backyard.

Things get greener by the day, especially with the rain we've had this week - and there are lots of blossoms out.


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