Sunday, July 12, 2009

Three Days of Sunshine

Although it's raining today, we just experienced three consecutive days of sunshine!

Anna and her Girl Guides were back in town as their final stop before heading home to Alberta. While the GGs shopped Uptown, we had a great visit with Anna, including lunch of salad with 6 kinds of organic greens, courtesy of our first week's supply from the farm, with strawberry shortcake.

I spent some time reading trashy novels on the deck. And yesterday Jack and Suzanne joined us for a mystery excursion - no one other than the tour guide moi knew where we were going. Our itinerary included a shopping stop at The Barn economusee in Bloomfield, lunch at the Bavarian restaurant in Knightsville, stopping to smell the roses at Corn Hill Nursery, ice cream cones in Sussex and a visit to the soap shop. It was a gorgeous day and the scenery was bucolic.


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