Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Canada Day

Hope you enjoyed Canada Day, as we did. The rain held off, a relatively rare occurrence here lately, except for a brief shower in the late afternoon - and then the sun came out!

I spent some time lounging on the deck - my very Canadian reading material was a recent Maclean's and new biography of Champlain.

In the evening we entertained with strawberry shortcake followed by fireworks viewed from the deck. We can't see the low ones from here, but enjoy the sounds and any that go up into the sky. After his years on the pyrotechnic crew, I think Harvey appreciates the view from this distance - although there was some talk that next year we might watch from the roof (or remove trees on neighbouring properties).

Three month old baby Eve enjoyed her first fireworks display, although I think she was actually more interested in our cats, who certainly found her fascinating!


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