Friday, November 21, 2008

Left Arm Liberation

Water consumption in Saint John probably spiked yesterday morning, when I had the first shower after removal of my PIC line. No more having to wrap my arm in saran covered by pantyhose - although I have to say that does pretty much work.

When I discovered that the bone strengthener I'm getting every 4 weeks can be given intravenuosly (it doesn't damage the veins the way chemo drugs can), I asked my doctor if it could come out, and she agreed. So that saves our health care system the weekly expense of getting it cleaned and dressing changed.

Also had a helpful consultation with a physiotherapist, who says I have good post-surgery range of motion in my arm and shoulder, but has given me a few specific exercises to help get the last bit back. She also confirmed the kind of adjustments I've been making in order to do yoga while protecting my neck.


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