Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Journey Continuing

Dr. Burnell, my oncologist, sees no problem with me returning to work as long as I'm feeling well. (Yes, my surrogate mothers, I will listen to my body!) So, after discussion with Director Jane and Blue Cross, I'm back part-time. We've tried to define an appropriate role on a pt basis, not going back to my old (more than) ft job in fewer hours.

Although my treatment has been aggressive and the response good, because mine is a cancer which had already spread beyond the lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis (Stage IV), the prognosis is that it will be life-threatening at some point - unless I'm one of those miraculous anomalies. Typically where it recurs is lungs, liver or bones, although when that happens it's still breast cancer. Chemo or radiation may be treatment options. It is estrogen-receptor negative (the test that was misdiagnosed in Newfoundland) so things like tamoxifen won't be effective.

Because the initial recurrence was in bone, I'm continuing to receive a bone strengthening medication every four weeks. I'm convinced that diet, staying active, strong support systems and a fighting spirit are also important in this journey.


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