Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Belated Update

My apologies for the delay in a new blog posting since I got out of hospital.

Started a new round of chemotherapy today - this is 4 of 6 planned. Drinking enough fluid (2 litres a day) is still a challenge, but I was thoroughly threatened by one of the more scary chemo nurses today, so I'm busy sipping.

We found someone to come in every two weeks to do some housecleaning for us. Had tried Molly Maid a while back but was not at all happy with them; I have a feeling this may work better. She gets most of her business by word of mouth, has one employee who has been with her for 10 years , and her notes about what we wanted done incuded writing down at the pets' names.

Am back at work - probably 4 half days this week, but will see how it goes. We've refocussed how I'm spending my time from the day to day stuff which needs regular attention to some longer term projects which I can work on more independently.

Thanks for all the good wishes and positive thoughts you've been sending.


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