Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Retirement" Party

A grand cross section of the people Wendy touched through her professional and personal life gathered Monday night, July 12, to celebrate a life well lived. And live it she did, right up to the last moment. Wendy would have loved her ‘retirement party’. There was lots of good food, something to drink, lots of interesting people to talk with, and it was held in one of her favourite places (the Museum) and in the Whale Hall (another of her favourite places).

There was lots of laughing and fond remembrances and not too many tears. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more suitable send off. My heartfelt thanks to the staff at the New Brunswick Museum for making this happen so quickly. There was a short formal program, but most of the evening was spent reminiscing and remembering. And thanks to all the people who showed up to share their memories.

I’m sorry I’ve been so slow in writing this, but words escaped me this past little while and I found staring at a blank screen slightly depressing. Here are a couple of photos taken by our friend, Jim Robertson, from Red Deer.

Sisters Diane and Joyce, me, and my sister, Beth.

1 comment:

Cindy Coubrough said...

Harvey you look great, I hope you are doing okay. I'm glad Jim was there, wish I could have been. You and Wendy have been my thoughts, and what a wonderful turn out for Wendy's "Retirement party".

Thinking of you.
