Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Experiences

A recent conversation about the possibility that one can get a little too comfortably settled at this stage in one’s life led to this list of some new things I’ve tried this year (in no particular order).

Attending a Corb Lund concert in celebration of Harvey’s 65th birthday

Creating a split ash basket following traditional methods and pattern.

Acting as local tour coordinator and event organizer,

Trying delicious new ingredients including gouda cheese from PEI and wine from Mott’s Landing Vineyard

Seeing the mouths of the St. John and Kennebecasis rivers on a three hour cruise aboard the Voyageur II

Becoming a Cancer Connections volunteer, providing telephone support to matches from across the country

Finding the perfect painting of Reversing Falls, by Lynn Wigginton, for the large wall in our living room

Making the adjustment to working part time on a fascinating variety of projects

Helping create a piece of ephemeral rock art on the shore on the Bay of Fundy

Starting a book club where each month we each read a different book, on an agreed theme


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy,

I have to add my 2 cents worth.
Myself and several family members have started keeping Excel spreadsheets about our interests.
My categories are: Books; Live performances; Movies; Golf; and Holidays.
Listing by:
2.Type of event:i.e.Musical/Fiction.
3.Playwright/author/or persons involved.
4. Title of Book, Event,Holiday or Golf Course
4.Rating between 1 and 10.

It's fun to look back on the ratings and comments. I play too much tennis to keep track of.
