Saturday, December 19, 2009

First on the Dance Floor

Harvey accompanied me to my staff Christmas party last evening, held upstairs at the curling club. The perfect size for our group, with a view of the action on the ice and a dance floor. After a delicious buffet dinner, complete with chocolate fountain, and many door prizes, our d j was ready to go.

This was a new innovation for our Christmas parties, and the organizing committee, of which I was a member, found Vince the d j in the Yellow Pages. After I persuaded Harvey that as a committee member I should initiate a move towards the dance floor, others happily followed.
A good time seemed to be had by all, although some knees may pay for it today.


Wendy left out that the dj was playing pretty insipid Christmas music to begin with. But when this song blasted out of the speakers, some primal urges stirred deep within me.

For a minute or so we had the dance floor to ourselves, but Wendy, ever the trendsetter, got all the dancers up on the floor. I'm sure the knees will be better with a massive dose of Vitamin I (ibuprofen).


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