Monday, August 24, 2009

Hurricane Bill Dunking

Hurricane Bill passed by the coast of Nova Scotia; we had some rain and some higher than usual waves, some wind, plus a lot of lead up on the news. The cruise ship scheduled to stop here on Saturday cancelled its voyage from New York rather than brave the rough waters.
My emergency precaution was putting some water into the bathtub Saturday night before we went to bed. Good thing I didn't fill it up because sometime during the night, Simba, the black and white cat, fell in. Both our cats are fascinated by water coming out of a faucet and Simba especially likes to sit on the edge of the tub to watch. He must have dipped a paw in and slipped, or reached down for a drink. The water was deep enough that all four paws and his tummy all were wet. No damage except perhaps his dignity. Harvey obligingly cleaned up the wet spot and listened to Simba's tale of woe.


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