Friday, June 20, 2008

This Week's Events

My blood counts weren't quite high enough to go ahead with chemotherapy as scheduled this week; the doctor has prescribed self-administered shots again, to stimulate white blood cell production. Also found a sequence of postures for the immune system in one of my yoga books, so I'm trying that too. So we should be able to proceed next week.

Earlier this week I attended the second afternoon of a two-part art therapy workshop offered by the Cancer Society. The instructor is a former RN who is just completing an art therapy program offered at a college in BC; she needs a certain number of working hours to finish, so we were part of that. The first afternoon we worked with watercolours on canvas, on the theme of what we are thankful for. In between the 2 sessions she made these into a wall hanging for the Cancer Society offices. This week we used either watercolours or oil pastels, and, because we'd gotten to know each other a bit, there was a lot more sharing of our experiences as well as painting/drawing.

I've also been part of some public input sessions on the upgrading of Reversing Falls - and yes, the point was made that Reversing Falls Rapids would be a more appropriate name.

And Harvey's son Matthew, who's a long distance truck driver again, stopped by for an overnight visit, enroute from deliveries in NS back to Montreal. He parked at a truck stop, assuming that his truck wouldn't be welcome in a residential area. There was a taxi there but when he asked the driver if he wanted a fare, was surprised that the answer was "no". Another man overheard this and offered to drop Matthew off where he was going (turned out he was an off duty cab driver). Matthew was quite impressed; said "that would never happen in Ontario."


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