Monday, April 26, 2010

Numb Fingers and Toes

The side effects of the Taxol have gotten worst after each of the last two weekly treatments. The numbness in my feet is affecting my balance and my fingers are quite un-dextrous. I've reached a point where I'm not sure if I'm gripping something hard or not hard enough. I could easily drop and break something. I have trouble picking things up, dealing with buttons, taking the lids off things, plus they are rather painful.

Thanks to an email from Pat in which he said he feels like he types with his elbows, I realized that one accommodation I could make at the keyboard is to use two fingers. I learned to touch type in High School - in the days when as a female you didn't reveal this skill unless you wanted to work as a secretary - so now I'm retraining my not very nimble fingers. Hunting and pecking is slow, but I make fewer mistakes.

After my every four weeks appointment with Dr. B. today, the decision was to reduce the Taxol dosage in hopes that will make these side effects more manageable.


(typos are all Harvey's)

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