Sunday, January 17, 2010

Book Club Anniversary

Our book club has been going for a year now and we are still having fun with it. We have taken a different approach; instead of reading the same book each month and discussing it, we establish a theme. At first, someone volunteered to find, read and review several books on that theme, but that quickly evolved to everyone coming with a brief review of a book they had discovered and read. Always followed by discussion about other things we’d read and recommended and an exchange of books we’d brought to pass along. (Particular favourites of these have been Blessed are the Cheesemakers and The Guernsey Literary Society.)

These have been our themes thus far:
Novels about place – Northern Ontario
Novels about place – Montreal (English and French in translation)
Novels about place - Newfoundland
Mystery by a Canadian author
Novel about rural Canada
Canadian novel featuring a body of water
Canadian cookbook or book about food
Biography of a Canadian
Historical novel by a Canadian

Topics for 2010 have yet to be determined but possibilities include:
Favourite book of 2009
Canadian humour
Book about health/wellness
A Canadian road trip
Canadian novel pre-1960
A Canadian author looks at elsewhere in world
A novel of work/the workplace

Other suggestions welcome!


1 comment:

Michelle S said...

I love these ideas. My book club is celebrating it's one-year anniversary in August and we were thinking of fun things to do that are different for that month. Then I stumbled upon yours and I think we might try to do some themes on different months - great idea!