Friday, September 25, 2009

Treatment Adaptation

The nauseau predicted from the new chemo treatment I started last week didn't occur, but my stomach was queasy and diet limited. White toast, bananas, organic carrots and chicken broth with noodles, supplemented by the occasional bit of cheese.
By Wednesday when we drove out to the Peninsula to pick up our week's veg, I was finally starting to feel better. Harvey, ever willing to accommodate my oddities but noting that "I could cook anything you want", somewhat reluctantly agreed to my plan to stop for dinner at "the Irving" on the highway on our way back into town. I thought surely I could find something on the menu that I could eat. Worst case I'd have a different version of chicken noodle soup! It worked, and for the first time in days I was able to eat a meal that necessitated using a knife and fork. Amazing how much better that made me feel.
Continuing to take pleasure in the small things -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what did you eat at the "Irving"?
Did you pig out?
What did Harvey eat or did he boycott the whole meal?
What a great opportunity for for the Irvings to broadcast their altruistic
meal choices for all of us.

