Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Medical Update

It's my week of appointments; saw the physiotherapist, who feels I've regained full range of motion and strength in my arm after surgery. She's recommended a compression sleeve as a precaution when flying, to prevent lymphedema (painful persistent swelling of arm which can occur as result of removal of lymph nodes).

Also saw my GP, who recommends continuing a part-time schedule at work for another three months, with some increase in hours as I continue to build up stamina. My mother figures will be pleased to know that she stresses balance and moderation.

Today is my monthly bone strengthening treatment. I'm armed with recent issues of The Walrus and Macleans since it takes several hours and one wouldn't want be dependent on hospital magazine selection.

Quite cool this morning so not much progress on the snow melting front, but the sun is shining.


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