Monday, July 21, 2008

Feeding the not so Tender Tummy

With the end of chemo, Wendy's taste buds are rediscovering flavours long forgotten. Why she's even had coffee, a beverage she hasn't drunk in six months. And her tummy isn't quite as sensitive so the door is open to a wider variety of foods. Good timeing too, because we're starting to get veggies from our CSA partners at Chestnut Hill Farm. Lots of salad greens, kale, beet greens and even turnip greens along with carrots, baby carrots, turnips and beets, green onions, and radishes. I've got at least one really great recipe for producing edible cooked greens.

Wendy's hair is slowly growing back. She almost has enough to call it a 'brush cut', but not enough to cover her scalp yet. Her colour has returned and she's getting strong and healthy for her surgery.

We had a wonderful supper with our friends Lynn and Dale a couple of weeks ago in which Lynn produced a table full of summer treats, all cool and perfect for a hot day. One of the salads that caught Wendy's palate was a pasta salad full of Middle Eastern flavours. Thanks to Lynn for sharing the recipe.


1 C. orzo
½ t. turmeric (for cooking orzo)
4 carrots, peeled
½ t. turmeric (for roasting carrots)
1 t. ground cumin
1 t. ground coriander
1 t. paprika
½ C. currants (or dried cranberries)
½ C. pine nuts, toasted
# T. chopped, fresh corianer
¼ C. olive oil
2 T. spiced vinegar
salt & pepper to taste

1. Cook orzo with plenty of water & ½ t. tumeric, until just tender ( about 10 minutes). Set aside to cool
2. Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Cut carrots in half length-wise, then slice on diagonal into 1 cm. thick pieces.Place in roasting pan, drizzle with a little oil, sprinkle with spices, toss to coat evenly. Roast for 30 min., remove & allow to cool.
3. Mix orzo, carrots, currants, pine nuts, coriander, oil & vinegar together well. Season to taste.

Serves 6

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