Tuesday, November 24, 2009

H1N1 Shot

On Friday afternoon I got a call from the Oncology Department, letting me know that I could come in to the hospital on Monday morning for my H1N1 shot. However, Monday turned out to be the day that they were just switching over to a new computer system, so proceedings were considerably delayed. My arm is rather sore, but glad to have the shot before my immune system is lowered again from the chemo this week.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chemo Continuing

Dr. B has decided to do three additional rounds of this chemo, in order to get as much mileage as possible from this drug. However, my blood counts are a bit low, no doubt due to the cold, so she's delayed the next treatment until next week. The chemo nurses said at the start that delays aren't unusual with this chemo.
Trying to deal with this one patiently!

Friday, November 13, 2009


In today's Globe and Mail (Nov. 13, 2009) there was a dismaying article about how frequently women with chronic conditions (MS, Cancer and so on) are abandoned by their husbands and lovers. The corollary to that is that men with similar conditions are not so frequently abandoned.

For my brave, cheerful, thoughtful Wendy:

24th September, 1945

The best sea: has yet to be crossed.
The best child: has yet to be born.
The best days: have yet to be lived,
And the best word that I wanted to say to you
Is the word that I have not yet said.

Masim Hikmet, from Poems to Priaye from Prison
